Camel Sailing and Powerboat CentreRYA and AALA licensed sailing school |
Sailing | Hobie 13's | 2 day Novice course 2 day Improvers course Red, White and Blue Awards 2 hour Taster session all above 10 years and over |
Wayfarers | 2 day Start sailing, RYA level 1 2 day Basic skills, RYA level 2 2 day Seamanship skills 2 day Day sailing 2 day Advanced Boat Handling 8 years and above |
Hobie 15 | Courses as Wayfarer 14 years and over |
Boat Hire | Wayfarers Hirer must hold RYA seamanship or old level 3 qualification or have equivalent experiance and must be over 16 years of age. |
Powerboating | 1 day RYA level 1 2 day RYA level 2 RYA Safety Boat Course RYA Advanced Course 16 years and over |
RYA Shorebased | Day Skipper, 5 days intensive or 40 hours evening Yacht Master 6 days intensive or 44 hours evening Diesel Engine Maintenance, 1 day (winter months) Short Range Radio Course 1 day Small Craft First Aid 1 day |
The Pontoon, Rock, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 6LD |
e-mail: [email protected] |
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